Taty Girl Taty Girl

Taty Girl: The Rising Star of Brazilian Forró

Origins and Rise to Fame

Taty Girl, born Taís dos Santos, is a Brazilian singer and songwriter who has become a prominent figure in the popular music genre of forró. Her breakout hit, "Meu Coração Me Odeia" (My Heart Hates Me), featuring Wesley Safadão, propelled her to stardom in 2021.

Musical Style and Influences

Taty Girl's music is characterized by its upbeat rhythms, catchy melodies, and relatable lyrics that often explore themes of love, heartbreak, and female empowerment. She draws inspiration from traditional forró music, as well as contemporary pop and funk influences.

Challenges and Controversies

As her popularity grew, Taty Girl faced some challenges and controversies. She was criticized for her choice of revealing outfits by some conservative audience members. However, she remained unapologetically herself and continued to embrace her bold and confident stage persona.


* "Meu Coração Me Odeia" (ft. Wesley Safadão) (2021)
* "Fogaréu" (2022)
* "Meu Ex Terminou Comigo" (2022)
* "Taca Pedra" (2022)
* "Ela Sofre Mas Se Finge de Forte" (2023)


Taty Girl is a solo artist, but she frequently collaborates with other singers and musicians. Her most notable collaboration to date has been with Wesley Safadão on the hit song "Meu Coração Me Odeia."


In a short span of time, Taty Girl has established herself as a force to be reckoned with in the Brazilian music industry. Her infectious music, empowering lyrics, and bold stage presence have made her an inspiration to many and a role model for young women. As she continues to release new music and perform to sold-out crowds, Taty Girl's star is only expected to shine brighter in the years to come.